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Updated on Dec.29, 2024

CROSSING PATTERNS (Illegal Procedure - 5 yard penalty)

To keep games with minimal contact CROSSING patterns ARE NOT allowed. Players on the same team should not be within 4 yards of each other when running a pattern or when running around on a broken play. If two players cross and they are within 4 yards of each other than a flag will be thrown, and an Illegal Procedure penalty will be called.


During the regular season games all players that are present for a game must play at least half of the game on offense and half of the game on defense or be in a player rotation every 4 plays.
Each team must comply with all other rules, regulations, procedures and obligations outlined in this document.


The Team (38 yard wide fields)

  1. The team will consist of (12 or 13) players with six (6) players on the field at one time.
  2. A minimum of five (5) players will be considered as a playable entity to commence a 5 on 5 contest.
  3. Players can be picked up from a lower division if you are short of players because of holidays or injuries.


  1. No blocking devices or helmets are allowed. Volleyball elbow and knee pads are allowed. If a player has a broken arm or wrist and is playing with a cast, the cast must be padded to the referee's satisfaction. Use of a cast, as a club will not be tolerated.
  2. Running shoes or cleats are allowed except for metal cleat or spiked shoes. Screw in cleats with rubber or plastic tips will also be allowed except for baseball cleats.
  3. At the start of the season each team will be supplied with flags and team jerseys and two footballs.
  4. Metal Knee Braces must be covered (I.E. Sweat pants... etc.).

The Field

  1.  The standard fields will be 60 yards long, 38 yards wide, with twenty (20) yard increments, and a ten (10) yard end zones. Teams will start 40 yard from the endzone.
  2.  Depending on field location and division the field sizes may be modified.


  1. Two officials will be assigned to each game referee association.
  2. The head referee will be responsible for score keeping and league standings.
  3. The head referee will fill out an incident report for any player committing a roughing penalty. A player will be ejected if they commit two (10 yard) roughing penalties in one game.


  1. There will be no grace on scheduled starting times.
  2. In games will be played regardless of the weather and driving conditions. If a game is cancelled the game will be considered as a tie game and will not be rescheduled.

Rosters and Player Rotations

  • All teams will be expected to fill out and have a parent administer STATS sheets.


  1. All teams will make the playoffs
  2. Division standings if there is a tie will be determined as follows:
    1.   Record against one another
    2.   Number of wins
    3.   Total point differential (points for and against record)
    4.   Coin flip

Disciplinary Action

1.   Cases of abusing referees, fighting, extremely rough play, etc., will be dealt with on an individual basis and subject to the minimum penalties outlined below. Harsher penalties will be at the discretion of the executive. Referees must formally report any incidents.


Regular season games are never to be a forfeit and it is the responsibility of both coaches to have a game played. Coaches have several options:

  • Play 5 on 5
  • Make the field narrower and play 4 on 4
  • Pull players from a younger division
  • Pull players from the same division (It is preferred that the teams playing each other would share one or two players but can pull players from any team in the division).
  • Player could be pulled from a higher division if both coaches agree to this arrangement, but if both team have 5 players then they should play 5 on 5.

Rules of the Game

The Standard Canadian Amateur Football rules apply for cases not mentioned below:

  1. Teams will have five or six downs to cross an increment (depending on division). Once an increment is crossed, the team is awarded five or six more downs to cross the next increment. Crossing an increment that has already been crossed once during a possession does not result in a first down when crossed for the second time.
  2. Following a touchdown and point after attempt, the opposing team gains possession on their own twenty (20) yard line.
  3. P.A.T. attempts are to be passing plays only. P.A.T. attempts will be scrimmaged from either the three (3) or the ten (10) yard line. The offense has the option. One (1) point will be awarded if successful from the three (3) yard line and two (2) points will be awarded if successful from the ten (10) yard line. NOTE: Lowest division will only have the option of a 1 point P.A.T from the 5 yard line.
  4. There is no punting. A team simply relinquishes control following their last down and the ball is brought out to center field.
  5. All forward passes must travel at least 5 yards in the air before being caught (no lateral passes are allowed behind the line of scrimmage or in the lower divisions).
  6. The number of receivers on each side of center field must be balanced.
  7. All receivers must be at least 5 yards apart from one other. Failure to do so will result in a warning or an illegal procedure penalty (5-yard penalty).
  8. If an offensive player runs his or her pattern close to a teammate (within 4 yards). Then a 5-yard Illegal Pick / Crossing Pattern penalty will be called.
  9. Coaches - Each coach is responsible for his or her players conduct on the field. Coaches shall conduct themselves in a manner, which demonstrates good sportsmanship to their team, and shall encourage their players to perform in the same manner. Coaches must be in complete control of all their players during the game. Coaches may be ejected from the game for tolerating or participating inappropriately. One coach from each team will be allowed on the field to assist players in organization and calling plays. No coaching is to be done after the snap of the ball by the coach that is on the field.
  10. No blocking is allowed.
  11. All players are eligible pass receivers.
  12. The HOME team has the option to start with the ball or have the ball last as both teams will have the equal number of possessions. NOTE: Should a game be running low on time at the end of the game the last positions can be started at the 20 yard line to ensure both teams have equal number of possession and games do not go into overtime.
  13. It is the responsibility of each player to ensure that his flags are properly attached.
  14. If a flag inadvertently falls off or was never on, a player will be considered tackled when he is touched.
  15. If a defensive player pulls a flag before the offensive player gains control of the ball, but after the ball was touched by the offensive player. The player will be considered tackled and the ball will be scrimmage were the ball was when the players flag was pulled.
  16. If a defensive player deliberately pulls an offensive players flag when they are not in possession of the ball, they will be given an unsportsmanlike conduct penalty.
  17. Ties will be allowed to stand except for playoff games. In playoffs, tie games will be decided as follows:
    1. Lower seeded starting on offense or defense.
    2. Overtime will commence at the 40-yard line.
    3. The teams will be given 3 plays to score or move the ball the farthest.
    4. If both teams score in 3 or less plays, then we will start again with 2 plays. Also, the team that started with the ball in the first over time will go second in the second overtime (Etc..).
    5. Teams MUST rotate players at the start of an overtime and rotate players every 2 plays. (everyone should play in the overtime)
    6. The procedure will continue until a winner is declared.
  18. The play will be considered dead when anything other than hands or feet of the ball carrier touches the ground.
  19. Protecting the flags is illegal. When a player is running with the ball, the onus is on him to keep his hands free from a position in which he is protecting his flags. The ball will be dead at the point of infraction for any player that guards their flag(s).
  20. Charging occurs when a defensive player is stationary or giving ground and the offensive player initiates contact. The ball carrier shall not attempt to run through his opponent. Once the defensive player has assumed his position pull a player's flag(s), the onus is on the ball carrier to avoid anything other than incidental contact.
  21. The offensive team will have thirty (30) seconds to snap the ball from center.
  22. No tackling or holding is allowed.
  23. Each team is allowed two (2) one minute time outs per game. Any player on the field may call the time out.
  24. The quarterback may not cross the line of scrimmage while having possession of the ball unless he has first relinquished control of the ball to another player on his own team (forward pass).
  25. All forward passes must travel at least 5 yards in the air before being caught
  26. NO lateral passes are allowed until a forward pass is completed.
  27. The player who first has possession of the ball following the snap from center is deemed to be the quarterback on each particular play.
  28. The quarterback must be at least 4 yards back from the line of scrimmage when he catches the snap from the center. Should the quarterback drop the snap from the center or the ball hits the ground the quarterback has until the steamboats are or the rusher is within 3 yards of him to get control of the ball otherwise the referee will call the play dead.
  29. The center must snap the ball through his legs to the quarterback.
  30. CENTERS are to be given an unobstructed path directly up field for 4 yards in the lower division and 7 yards in highest division.
  31. Highest division RUSHERS are to line up 14 yards back and 3 yards on side of the center. He/she is given an unobstructed direct path to the line of SCRIMMAGE, but once they pass the center or the center has cleared the area they can take a direct path to the QB provide they don't interfere with a offensive players route. 
  32. Teams must play MAN-ON-MAN Defense and be within 8 yards of the line of scrimmage when the ball is snapped.


  1. Inadvertent Whistle - When the whistle is blown inadvertently.
    1. Offensive possession - offense has choice of
      1. ball at line of scrimmage and down repeated
      2. ball at point of possession and downs continue
    2. Ball in the air - In the air on a forward pass - ball is at line of scrimmage and down repeated.
    3. Defensive possession - ball is at point of possession and first down.
  2. Penalties during a Convert - No penalties will have yardage applied on the next possession unless it is a dead ball foul or a roughing call
  3. Coaches - On field coaches may communicate with the referee and are entitled to a ruling explanation.
  4. Forward passes - Only one forward pass is allowed.
  5. Tipped Ball - If a receiver or a pass defender tips the ball towards the opponent's goal to a teammate, the catch is legal, and the play continues until the player with the ball is flagged. Should a player deliberately direct the ball towards the opponent's goal to a teammate, the catch is legal. However, the ball may not be advanced and is scrimmaged at the point where the ball was directed forward.
  6. Defensive Obstruction - Is an illegal defensive technique when a defensive player that is not stationary or giving ground impedes a receiver's intended path with or without contacting the opponent. Five (5) yard penalty from line of scrimmage and down over.
  7. Defensive (NON-TARGET AREA)Five (5) yard penalty from line of scrimmage and down over. More than likely ruled as holding.
  8. Offensive (NON-TARGET AREA) is a 5 yard penalty and down over. 
  9. Offensive (TARGET AREA) is a 10 yard penalty and a loss of down unless it is the final down then the defensive team would get the ball and first down.
  10. Defensive (TARGET AREA)
  • The offensive team will receive an automatic first down.
  • A 10 yard penalty will be applied or the ball be placed at the point of infraction (which ever is greater).
  • If the interference occurs in the end zone the offensive team would get a first down on the one yard line.

11.  Double Fouls (two or more infractions to one team)
The non-offending team takes its choice of the penalties unless one of the fouls is roughing. If one of the fouls is roughing, it shall be added to the penalty chosen.

12.  Dual Fouls (penalties to each team) - The penalties shall be applied in the order that they occurred. The penalties shall be applied as follows:

  • If the first foul occurs prior to distance being gained, the penalties shall be applied from the line of scrimmage.
  • If the first foul occurs after distance gained or change of possession, the penalty shall be applied from the point the ball was held at the time of the first foul.
  • If either team declines a penalty, the remaining penalty shall be treated as a single foul.

13.  Game Ejection's (Fighting, Extreme Rough Play or 2 Roughing Penalty. Players will be ejected from a game for Fighting, Extremely Rough Play or if they receive 2 Roughing Penalties in one game.

Infraction Yardage Point of Assessment
NOTE: If there aren't enough yards to apply the penalty from the original line of scrimmage then it will be put on the one yard line and down repeated.

  1. Flagging 5 yards - Point of infraction Down Counts
  2. Charging 5 or 10 yards - Point of infraction Down Counts (depends on the amount of contact)
  3. Tackling 5 yards (Minor) - Point of infraction Down Counts
  4. Tackling 10 yards (Major) - Point of infraction Down Counts
  5. Roughing (Minor Foul) 5 yards - added to the end of the play or line of scrimmage whichever gives the greater advantage and down counts.
  6. Roughing (Defensive) 15 yards - added to the end of the play or line of scrimmage whichever gives the greater advantage. Automatic 1st down.
  7. Roughing (Offensive) 15 yards - line of scrimmage Down Over
  8. Roughing-Deliberate - (Extremely Rough Play) 25 yards plus player ejection. Line of scrimmage First down (Defense) Down over (Offensive)
  9. Blocking - ball is dead when infraction occurred
  10. Illegal Procedure 5 yards - Line of scrimmage Down Over
  11. Defensive Obstruction 5 yards - line of scrimmage Down Over
  12. Pass Interference (Offensive)
    1. Non-target area 5 Line of scrimmage Down Over
    2. Target area 10 Line of scrimmage Loss of Down
  13. Pass Interference (Defensive)
    1. Non-target area 10 Line of scrimmage Down Repeated
    2. Target area Auto first down at point of infraction or at the one-yard line if it occurs in the end zone.
  14. Unsportsmanlike Conduct 10 yards - Line of scrimmage and down over
  15. Time Count 5 Line of scrimmage Down Over
  16. Fighting 25+Ejection

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